Hope – Day 6

Love always hopes – it never gives up hope. If we’re honest with ourselves, many of us have people in our lives we have given up hope for. Maybe it is someone struggling with addiction, unforgiveness, or rebellion. Perhaps you have tried to lead them to God or get them help in other ways, only to be rejected over and over. In these situations, it’s easy to feel these people are beyond help – beyond hope. But, repeatedly, the Bible reminds us that we are to love each other. One way we do this is by never giving up hope for someone. Perhaps that person may be unreachable by you, but that person is never too far gone to be reached by God!


Lord, thank You that nobody is ever beyond Your reach. Help me to love others in the way that You do. I ask You to remind me of those people in my life that I have given up hoping for, and I ask You to renew a new hope and trust in You.

Call to Action

Who’s that person in your life that you have given up hope for? Reach out to that person today and remind them that you care. Pray for them. Then, trust that God, in His time, will rescue them.