In Pursuit of Love
“Pursue love…” 1 Corinthians 14:1
This verse comes on the tail of the “love chapter” in the Bible, 1 Corinthians 13, where the attributes of love are detailed. Ample studies have been written on this topic, and perhaps nothing can be added. Nevertheless, it is wise to make personal application.
We will begin at the end. The ending exhortation is that we are to pursue love. It was hard to look at this aspect of my life, because I know that I do not love as I should. I do not always show Christ’s love. I do not always allow Him to love others through me. I have failed countless times to love others as Christ has loved me. I have failed to do unto others as I would have them do unto me… and I have, sadly, reaped what I have sown.
To pursue love is to “head in the direction of love,” to “go after love.” (And may I qualify this right now: I am writing about God’s perfect love, agape, not human love.) This gives me hope. This is something I can do. I can point myself in the direction of love. I can look for ways to uncover love if it’s hidden by something. I can make sure that love is a priority in my life. I can pray for it, practice it, and pursue it.
Some people seem to have naturally loving natures. They seem to have been born with the qualities of love firmly in place. We all know women who suffer patiently. Women who are innately kind. Women who never exhibit envy. Women who do not ever take center stage, and are not puffed up with pride or arrogance for any reason. Women who are never rude in word or deed. Women who willingly give up their own way for others. Women who seem unruffled by life’s events. Women who think the best of people and are unhappy if someone is living a life apart from Christ. Women who are ecstatic about the truth being known. Women who bear up under every sort of trial, believe in people, and always hope for the best.
Because of the transforming work of Christ, we all have some aspects of this love in us. But we have to agree that not one of us has it all.
Since we do not walk in love perfectly, we are told to PURSUE it. Let’s apply God’s Word in 1 Corinthians 13 to our own lives, and ask ourselves some searching questions. What does His love look like? How does it act? What does it think about? Feel free to sound off in the comment section.
Father, You declare that You are love. Show us how to love like You do. Though we may fall and fail, help us to continue our pursuit of love. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.