His Reasons

“And the people stood looking on. But even the rulers with them sneered, saying, ‘He saved others; let Him save Himself if He is the Christ, the chosen of God.’” Luke 23:35

Jesus did all the good He could while He was on this earth. He came to save sinners, and He accomplished that work. He did heal and perform other miracles, but that wasn’t His primary reason for coming.

If I had lived in the time of Jesus, I might have wondered if He shouldn’t have stayed just a bit longer in order to heal more people and do more miracles. It must have seemed that miracles were His main work, since no one else could do them. (And sometimes it seems that way today, doesn’t it?)

But His main work was saving sinners (Mark 2:17). His main work was bringing the kingdom of God (John 18:37). His main work was giving abundant, new life (John 10:10), both now and eternally. He came to bring us fulfilling joy and God’s Word (John 10:13).

Wasn’t there another way? Jesus asked the Father this very question. “Father, if it is Your will, take this cup away from Me” (Luke 22:42). Jesus didn’t WANT to experience the agonies of the crucifixion, but He knew there was no other way.

Perhaps this was one of those times when Satan tempted Him, through the voice of men. Remember, when Jesus successfully refused Satan’s temptations in the wilderness at the beginning of His ministry, Satan “departed from Him until an opportune time” (Luke 4:13). Could this have been the “opportune time” Satan was waiting for? His enemies wanted proof He was Who He said He was—God’s Son. I can imagine even His own followers half-hoped He would come down from the cross—not only so they would still have Him around, but to shut the mouths of those who were mocking and doubting Him.

But Jesus knew that He could not come down from the cross and still accomplish our salvation. His reason for coming would never come to pass without that cross. What God sent Him to do, He would not have done if He had come down.

Jesus always kept the big picture in mind. He never settled for less than ALL. He didn’t do only half the work. He didn’t quit early. He didn’t change His mind. He didn’t give up when the going got tough. Man settles, quits, gives up, changes his mind—I do these things—but Jesus never did.

Thank You, Jesus, for going all the way for us. Thank You for rejecting Satan’s suggestions, and staying on that cross; though You had the power to come down from it, You did not take back Your life but gave it willingly. Develop that same mind in us that is fully committed to the Father’s will, no matter how hard it gets. Amen.