Pray Continually

Set your mind on things above, not on earthly things.” Colossians 3:2

I read in a daily devotional about Jesus calling me to a life of constant communion with Him. Instead of rushing over this thought, I took time and wondered how I could possibly stay in constant communion with Jesus throughout my busy day. I had to rush to work, take care of others’ needs, pay bills, clean the house, and run errands. The list could be endless.

I decided that day to do an experiment to see if I could really set my mind on things above throughout my entire day. I began by praising Jesus over and over. Thanking Him for each thing that came into my mind, recalling scriptures, or humming worship songs. I was washing my mind continually throughout my day. I did this at work despite many distractions. Someone needed help, the phone rang, and I needed to type reports. I stopped to answer the calls and assist the people, but immediately after finishing, I began again praising the Lord. I thanked Him, asking Him to bless the person that just walked by my desk. I thanked Him for the trees I saw out the window, and thanked Him for peace, joy, health, and abundance. I did this all in my mind without uttering a word aloud to anyone.

I was amazed at the transformation of myself that day. I was happy and joyful and had total peace in the midst of my frantic work place. I liked this! Yes, it was possible! I could set my mind constantly on things above in the midst of ordinary days. I could praise the Lord throughout my day. I smiled more that day and my spirit was lighter. Yes, it was possible to “pray continually” (1 Thessalonians 5:17).

Then came the test. I received a personal phone call alerting me to a troublesome situation for our business property 2,500 miles away across an ocean. After hanging up the phone, I thought to myself I could choose to worry and obsess, trying to figure out the solution to this problem in my own strength and will, or I could immediately take this situation to Jesus, praising Him and asking Him for help. Something changed in me that day. I saw the Holy Spirit’s peace and power transform my mind so I could worship and praise Him, asking for help in this situation. Since I was at work, I could not take care of this urgent matter. I chose to surrender the situation to Him and went about my work. I discovered as I gave myself more and more to a life of constant communion with Jesus, I simply did not have time for worry. Worry turned to trust, anxiety to peace.

Within a few minutes I received another phone call saying a repairman happened to walk by our property manger’s front door. He was able to take care of the problem right then and the situation was handled immediately. I praised and thanked the Lord for taking care of my problem. Was this a life-changing miracle? Not in biblical terms, but inside my heart and spirit it was a miracle to me. I saw God cares about me and is able to handle all my needs. I am called to trust, ask, and set my mind on things above. I saw His power at work turning my worries over to Him, and I was blessed beyond measure. “When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought joy to my soul” (Psalm 94:19).

Lord teach us to set our minds daily on things above and choose peace and joy over worry and fear. Amen.