His Keeping – Part 1

“…for I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep what I have committed to Him until that Day.” 2 Timothy 1:12

Paul wrote these words in the context of his imprisonment and suffering, meaning that he had long ago entrusted his soul into God’s safekeeping until the day of Christ’s return, which the early church believed could be at any moment. Likewise, when we come to Christ, we are, in effect, saying we place our lives into His hands for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health. (Sound familiar? We are, after all, the Bride of Christ.) Note that I did not include “until death do us part” because death will not part us from the keeping love of God.

Paul could entrust himself into God’s keeping because, as he says, he knew whom he had believed. He knew God. He knew Christ. He knew their character. He knew their intentions toward him. He knew their love for him. He knew he was securely in the hands of the powerful Father.

He also says that he was persuaded. God’s Word, God’s workings, God’s ways, had proven to Paul that God was able. He had such experiences with the Lord that he did not doubt even one iota that God could and would keep His promises. He did not wonder or waver. He was persuaded because he knew whom he believed.

I paused when I read this Scripture afresh this morning. I think I know God’s character, His sovereignty, His power. I think I am persuaded about His abilities and His inclination to do us good. But I must ask myself: when I give something or someone over into His hands, do I look back to see how He is doing with what I gave over to Him? Do I take it back and get into the fray again? Do I decide that I haven’t helped Him enough to really get the job done? Do I think He NEEDS me? Does it have to go my way?

I have to remember that when I’m worrying or anxious about what I think I’ve given to Him, this is evidence that I either don’t know Him very well or am not persuaded that He is able.

What have you given into God’s safekeeping? A beloved prodigal? An angry neighbor? Your finances? Your marriage? Let God work. Get to know Him better and better day by day. Ask the Holy Spirit to persuade you that God is able to keep that thing. Then, if necessary, be sure you place it firmly in His care and let it rest there. God is always doing ten thousand things on our behalf and thus we have no need to worry.

Father, as situations come to mind for each of us, persuade and convince us that You have good in mind for us, and You are working. You are able to keep—which we can’t do ourselves. Help us know You more each day. Amen.