His Better “Yes”

“Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness. I say to myself, ‘The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for Him.'” Lamentations 3:22-24

When we go through trials, sickness, suffering—any kind of a hard time—we pray for change, for healing, for miracles. Sometimes we get the answer we’re praying for, but often times we don’t. How we respond to those times is so important in our walk with the Lord.

I’ve been thinking that there are two kinds of miracles in answer to our prayers. One is relief from the difficult thing we’re praying for. But the other kind of miracle is an enduring grace and faith to go through the hard time. It’s not something we can “work up” in ourselves. It’s a miracle from the Lord to walk through the painful and difficult thing. I think this is the miracle I’ve been experiencing the past nine years! I couldn’t have made it without God’s “miracle” of enduring grace and faith. The power seen in instant miracles is also seen in endurance—perhaps even more so!

Enduring faith helps build our character in the midst of the difficulty. I know that has happened for me. God has taught me so many precious lessons during these years, and He’s drawn me closer and closer to Him. I wouldn’t trade that for anything.

When God doesn’t answer a prayer in the way we thought would happen—when He says “no”—there is a better “yes” to follow in what He has for us. A delayed answer is “gaining interest” in the ways that God works in our lives.

A breakthrough, a miracle, in what we’re praying for is not a formula. It’s all about relationship and trust in what God has for us. We have to remember that God is working in all things for good. Saying “yes” to God no matter what happens is where we gain strength in our walk with Him. This is where there is strength in the midst of our weakness, sickness, and trials. Trust in Him in the midst of the trial keeps hope alive for whatever He has in store for us.

Faith often brings answers, but not all the answers. Enduring faith presses us into God for the answers He has for us. There is power seen in miracles, but there is also much power, maybe even more, seen in endurance. I sometimes look back over all these recent years at everything that has happened in my life. It is only by the miracle of God’s enduring grace and faith that I’ve survived. And the wonderful thing with God helping us to endure is that we don’t come through all bruised and battered. Because we’re walking with Him, learning the lessons He has for us, we come through in victory!

Lord, we are overwhelmed with gratitude for Your goodness to us. Our hearts are full of worship for how wonderful You are to us each day. Amen!