Buffalo Gals
“For you were like sheep going astray, but have now returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls.” 1 Peter 2:25
Once upon a time in a faraway land, my sister and I stopped our truck on a dusty road to look at a herd of buffalo in a fenced pasture. They were massive. There were bulls and calves and mama buffalo. We wanted to get a picture of these impressive beasts and approached the fence. We walked right past a sign that warned us to keep our distance. We saw it, yet we dared.
We got our picture and stood there a moment watching these beautiful creatures peacefully graze. That calm serenity was shattered as a bull exploded toward us at a full gallop. His head was lowered and he had fire in his eyes. His intentions were clear. Dust billowed up around him as we shrieked, turned on a dime, and ran for our lives. I considered my imminent death.
Fortunately, he pulled up when he reached the fence. He could have easily torn right through that flimsy barrier. We collapsed to the ground, gasping for breath. Danger had been averted. Spontaneously, we rolled in the grass, laughing in relief. It was funny now, but we had dodged a real and present danger.
That’s just one of the stupid things I have done in my life. I have dared danger. I have ignored warnings. I have been deliberately disobedient. Spiritually I have done these same kinds of things. Yet time and again I have seen God’s hand in intervention to protect me from my foolishness and my rebellion.
Without Him loving me before I loved Him, without His shepherd’s heart watching over me, without His good plans for me, I cannot imagine what my life would have been. I will be forever grateful for this Protector, Provider, Deliverer, this Father and Lover of my soul. Indeed, He is a good God.
He nudged me, poked me, prodded me, reminded me of His truth, and when needed, mercifully disciplined me under His hand. He did the required and perfect thing that would bring me back to Him. He left the ninety-nine to rescue me—again.
This review of how He pursued me gives me great hope for the prodigals in my life. What He has done for me is who He is and how He moves. My past informs my future as I have seen the wandering ones restored to Him and I anticipate seeing others yet to come. We are wee lambs, but we belong to a good Shepherd who knows each sheep by name and knows how to effectively deal with each wandering and wayward one. He will frustrate the schemes of the wily wolves and bring us into safe pasture.
“He will lead His flock like a Shepherd; He will gather the lambs with His arm, and carry them in His bosom, and gently lead those who are with young” (Isaiah 40:11).
“I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd gives His life for the sheep” (John 10:11).
No matter how far they have wandered, no matter how dark the night, no matter how dirty and torn, He will speak to them in ways they can understand. He is their rescue and their salvation.
Father, Your love amazes us. We don’t deserve the beauty and blessing you have shown us. Your love is greater than anything we can imagine. You are a Savior who saves. You are a Redeemer who redeems. Remember now those we love and pray for as You have so mercifully remembered us. All for Your glory. Amen.
Thank you for the reminder of this hope. His love is bigger than anything.
Thank you
Thank you 💝
Ah, the Prodigals…..there are so many, but as you clearly pointed out, He does go after the “one” in ninety-nine that has gone astray, and will do whatever is necessary to save that little one that belongs to him, even if it is breaking our heart to stand by patiently. It definitely takes our belief and trust in Him.