Good and Faithful…

 “Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your Lord.” Matthew 25:23

Who wants to hear this when life ends, or an assignment is finished, or a rough patch is finally hoed? Anyone who loves Jesus wants to mirror His goodness and faithfulness as He served in obedience to the Father. I complain. I get frustrated. I get resentful. I get tired. Many days I begin to serve with great intentions and a pure heart, but somewhere along the way, my attitude caves to pressure and the “service” I offer is neither good or faithful. Sometimes I forget that I am serving the Lord. If He is not the object of my activity, then I begin to expect things of others or myself that are “rewarding.” I begin to operate without true goodness and faithfulness.

What does it mean to be a good servant?

Agathos: equivalent to fertile soil, useful for bearing fruit, pleasant, joyful, and happy, generous and kind. (Strong’s Concordance-G18)

What does it mean to be a faithful servant?

Pistos: trustworthy in execution of demands, or duties. One who can be relied on and worthy of trust. Believing and true. (Strong’s Concordance G4103)

Remember how Jesus got up from dinner with His friends and began to wash their feet? (John 13:5). Remember that He endured suffering and the cross and faithfully endured for us, the joy set before Him? When I think about that, and the many stories of how He taught and fed crowds until He was exhausted, I remember He faithfully went away to be alone with His Father after serving long hours. I’m sad that I have caved into fatigue and pressure and difficulty so easily and so frequently without heeding the call to be alone with My heavenly Father. He wants to take me from that sadness back to the place of joyful service because there I will be at rest in fulfilling my purpose.

Who can cleanse me and fill me with the qualities and of a good and faithful servant and sustain them? I forget to ask the Holy Spirit to give me goodness and faithfulness when I am tired and poured out. Trying to muster my own strength takes the joy and the goodness out of what I am offering to the world each day as I serve in Jesus’ Name. Those offerings don’t look like Jesus at all.

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law” (Galatians 5:22-23).

Have you, like me, wanted to hear those words “well done, good and faithful servant”, but realize you are sometimes going through the motions without a heart’s desire to be truly faithful and good? The Holy Spirit is willing and able to fertilize us with His character, to fill us in such a way that we are good and faithful.

Today as I begin to march out, I’m thinking of you, my sisters and fellow servants. I pray we ask for His filling, to serve like Jesus. He is faithful and good. When you are tired and grumpy, think of Him. Ask again and again to be filled and obey the call to step away for time alone with your Father. Remind your fellow servants to do this when you see their weariness. The enemy wants us to serve without the Holy Spirit’s power. We all want to “go home” soon, as times are challenging. Those two things bring opportunities to be discouraged or to be good and faithful servants to the end. Help each other choose the latter.

Lord, we will follow through, we will be fertile soil, we will be trustworthy and joyful by the power and filling of Your Spirit. Hear our desire to be good to others and faithful to You. Thank You for encouraging us by Your example. When we are weary, remind us to come away with You. Amen.