“STOP, in the name of love…”
“For the love of Christ constrains us…” 2 Corinthians 5:14a
Remember that song by the Supremes in 1965? It was wildly popular, evidenced by the fact that I remember it all these years later. It seemed everywhere we went, we’d be told to stop, in the name of love, before we broke somebody’s heart!
As believers, Christ tells us the same thing, but for a different reason. We aren’t breaking His heart. His heart broke when He was separated from the Father on the Cross, but now He is with the Father, in fullness of joy.
Still, in the name of love, or perhaps “because He loves us” would be a better way to say it, He tells us to STOP. Because of His great love for us, He tells us to stop sinning. Stop comparing ourselves to others. Stop being self-centered. Stop our hypocrisy. The list could go on and on.
Are we to view these as “rules” given by a God who demands perfection? A God who will only allow law-abiding citizens in His kingdom? A tight-fisted tyrant bent on being sure no one has any fun? Surely not! Yet haven’t we all, at some time, wondered just how close to the edge of the “rules” we could go and still not be sinning?
The Bible says that the love of Christ constrains us. Constrains means to compel, confine, leave no option. It indicates a strong grip that prevents escape.
Christ’s love for us compelled Him to go to the cross. Love gripped Him, preventing Him from choosing to escape from the cross.
Likewise, His love for us should compel us to follow Him in all things, to live our lives for Him. His love for us grips us, holds us tight, and doesn’t let go.
Father, may Your love be so real to me that I am compelled to live for You in all things. Living for You will not be a difficult burden but my great joy. Let me know Your love in all its fullness. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
The Passion of the Christ impacted me greatly with the ‘reality’ of the immense suffering our Lord Jesus went thru to save us/me from an eternity in hell. I’ve been reading the Bible from start to finish over and over for over 55 yrs and some of it is so familiar, but there is a difference lately. Things are jumping out and going deeply into my ‘inner man’ like never before. Praise the Lord for a renewing of revelation in His Word!
“Go and sin no more……” His Words gripped my heart, mind, soul and body and empowered me to ‘do just that’. Of course, over the years there have been many failings, however, whenever tempted, His words come rushing back into my mind and it is so much easier to ‘turn and walk away’….right into His loving arms. God Bless you all.