“For they [our earthly fathers] indeed for a few days chastened us as seemed best to them, but He [God] for our profit, that we may be partakers of His holiness.” Hebrews 12:10
We had a situation in our extended family recently that involved a court case for child support. On the appointed day for the hearing, the husband prayed for the wife before leaving for work. He specifically prayed that they would have peace, no matter whether the outcome was favorable for them or not, and reminded her that God was in control and they could trust Him completely.
The outcome was not favorable to them. In fact, it seemed to all of us rather outrageous. I could see the inner struggle in this young couple. They knew ahead of time that God was in control of outcomes, but had secretly harbored thoughts that His decision would favor them. After all, they had looked to Him for help, and they believed His help would cause the case to go their way.
Not wanting to be an irritating dripping faucet, I simply said that God would cause even this to work for their good. They agree with their mouth, but can’t even fathom with their minds what that good will someday be. I surely don’t know, either. I hope it is enough to just encourage them in their faith to let God hang on to them in this situation, and watch what He will do.
So often our minds come up with “worst case scenarios” and we worry into the night about things we have no control over. We know that our worries won’t add anything beneficial to the situation, but we worry anyway. “Why isn’t she home yet? Is she on the side of the road somewhere?” Or, “I’m positive that person was talking about me. Did you see how they stopped talking when I walked in?”
On the flip side, our minds can conjure up “best case scenarios” that, when they do not come to pass, cause us to doubt God’s love for us. The job we wanted so badly that was given to someone else. The marriage proposal from Mr. Wonderful that didn’t come. The exciting vacation plans that got rained out.
Does God love us when the outcomes we’d hoped for do not come to pass? Can He redeem our losses? Can good come from bad? I declare, after a long life lived, and after reading God’s Word, and after hearing the stories of uncounted numbers of believers, that the answer is an emphatic YES. His goal is to make us partakers of His holiness, and in that process we will come up to brick walls, disappointing outcomes, changed plans, surrendered dreams, difficult people, and seemingly impossible timing. This is how He changes us, molds us into the image of His Son, and imparts to us the mind of Christ.
Father, we know You have only the best plans laid out for us. Help us let go of our own preferences, and lay hold of Your perfect will. Amen.
Thank you…in tears and needed this reminder this morning. I know God was reassuring me of His goodness, faithfulness and that He is a promise keeper.
Thank you for sharing. This is a good word. I need to live surrendered. He is holy and worthy.
Thank you! This is such a needed reminder!