One Chance

“Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love…” Romans 12:10a

Some people are on the periphery of your life. You can see them around you, but you have no direct contact. The young man walking his bike in the crosswalk while you wait at a red light. The family at the mall with the littlest child jumping up and down about something. The author of the new publication you just finished reading. They are out there, with real lives lived, real problems, real dreams, real loves.

And then there are the people you will meet only once in life. The lady in front of you in the checkout line. The daughter of your husband’s co-worker, who came to take her mom out to lunch when you were there one time. The guy who wasn’t paying attention and accidentally bumped you with his shopping cart.

One brief meeting. One chance to be kind. One shot at changing someone’s day—maybe even their outlook on life. One chance to encourage, to notice, to see a life, a problem, a dream, maybe even a love.

God arranged it for you, and for that other person. What will you do when it happens?

Lord, we know You are sovereign over all the comings and goings of man. Help us to recognize these brief encounters as from Your own hand, and respond with the words that You give us. Use us for good. Teach us kindness, that we may bless someone. In Jesus’ name, amen.