My Protector, Provider & Peace

 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace.” John 16:33 NIV

After literally almost ten years of storms: several family deaths and crises, debilitating illness and legal/financial issues, I find myself in a period of relative peace and calm.

God has given me the indescribable honor of ever-increasing intimacy with Him. He has done a miraculous redemptive work in my family; strengthened an already amazing, yet wounded, marriage; orchestrated a wonderful new job and given me the physical and mental ability to do it; and provided an incredible “new to me” car—to name just a few of the glorious things He has done for me.

He has truly blessed me beyond measure, and yet I find myself waiting for the proverbial “other shoe to drop.” I find myself wondering when the next storm will hit, and more importantly, wondering if I will have the strength to endure it when, not if, it comes.

That is not where God would have me. He would have me soak up this season of peace and savor it. Are more trials coming? Of course they are. We are told, “In this world you will have tribulation…” (John16:33a). It is a given that more will come—but I must remember the most important part of that verse—“But take heart, I have overcome the world” (John 16:33b).

He’s got it. Whatever ”it” turns out to be—Jesus is more than big enough to handle it, and He will give me what I need at that moment as well.

Dear Lord, thank You for the season of rest You have given me, and for being my constant Protector, Provider and Peace. Forgive me for at times allowing my fear of the future steal my present peace and joy. Help me to remember that You are bigger than anything ahead of me, and You always love me, no matter what season I am in. Amen.