A Tale of Two Wheels
“As for other matters, brothers and sisters, we instructed you how to live in order to please God, as in fact you are living. Now we ask you and urge you in the Lord Jesus to do this more and more. For you know what instructions we gave you by the authority of the Lord Jesus. It is God’s will that you should be sanctified.” 1 Thessalonians 4:1-3a
I learn better with visuals, and for me it is true what they say: “A picture is worth a thousand words.” A sketch I was shown long ago and still think about today is one of two wheels. Picture, if you will, two wagon wheels, the kind that are wooden and have a center hub and many spokes. These wheels represent two vastly different lives. Now one of the wheel’s hubs is labeled “me” and the spokes are labeled family, money, Jesus, job, house, church, friends, fun and many other things that are important in one’s life. The Christian’s journey is to turn this wheel into the other where the hub is labeled “Jesus,” and the spokes are labeled, me, family, money, job, house, and etc.
It is one kind of life to be saved and have Jesus as one of the “spokes” of our life. It is an entirely different life to have Jesus as Lord or Master (hub) of our life. This journey is called Sanctification and it doesn’t happen overnight, by our own strength, our own ability, or by merely desiring it. It takes a daily and sometimes moment-by-moment decision to surrender and obey the Word of God and His Spirit.
Now I’m not saying I have attained this perfect “wheel.” I’ve handed the “hub” to Jesus and then handed Him the “spokes” one-by-one. Some “spokes” were easy to hand over and never take back, like the size of my family for instance. The area of finances is a “spoke” I’ve handed over and taken back, and hand over and taken back many times. I’m so glad that God is patient with me in my journey. I have a new start with Him every morning.
If you have started down the path of Sanctification, I encourage you to keep on keeping on. Hang in there—you have an entire lifetime to live with the Father and you will get those spokes in place.
If you haven’t started down the path of Sanctification, you can start today. Surrender your will to Him. Listen for His voice and obey. Give yourself some grace and mercy and you, too, will have those spokes in place.
Father, thank You for Your patience, mercy, and grace. We want to be surrendered to You and going down the path of Sanctification with You as the “hub” of our lives. This kind of life is strong and sure and full of blessings that You want to bestow on us. Help us in our weakness, that we may attain all that You have for us. In Jesus’ name. Amen
Thank you for the reminder that it comes down to surrender. That each day is a new start. And that I can give myself grace. I needed this today.