Faultless. Who, Me?

 “Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy, to God our Savior, who alone is wise, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and forever. Amen.” Jude 24-25

I hate sin. The older I get the more I hate it. I hate how the earth and animals suffer because of man’s choices. I hate how people hurt and suffer from the consequences of their own choices and choices others made for them.

I hate my own sin more. Gossip, anger, complaining, and a long list of others are out there for all to see. Sins of pride, fear, judging, and disobedience can be easily hidden from the eyes of others but not God. There are times I’d almost rather die than sin against my God one more time.

But God is so gracious, loving, and forgiving. Hear His heart in the words from a popular devotional author:

“I am able to keep you from stumbling. I know how weak you are: how easily you would stumble if I were not holding on to you. I can also present you faultless before the Presence of My Glory. You are growing in grace, but complete freedom from sin will not be possible till you leave this fallen world. Nonetheless, because you truly trust Me as Savior, I keep you from stumbling in the ultimate sense: I won’t let you lose your salvation.”*

Oh, how my heart and soul sing with praise and thankfulness at these promises. Growing in grace—I like that, don’t you? Trust and believe dear ones, God won’t let you lose your salvation.

Heavenly Father, there are no words to adequately thank You and praise You for what You’ve done and continue to do for us. May we continue to grow in grace by Your Spirit. Thank You that You hold on to us even when we stumble. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

*Young, Sarah. Jesus Lives: Seeing His Love in Your Life. Thomas Nelson Publishing. 4 June 2012.