Faith or Fall

“…If you will not believe, surely you shall not be established.” Isaiah 7:9 NKJV

“…If you do not stand firm in your faith, then you will not stand at all.”  Isaiah 7:9 CSB

King Ahaz was under pressure by Syria and Israel to join an alliance against Assyria. Ahaz thought he could align himself with Assyria and be on the winning side in the balance of power. God sent Isaiah to meet the king and say to him, “Take heed and be quiet; do not fear or be fainthearted…” (Isaiah 7:4).

This message urged Ahaz to trust God and not his own devices. Unfortunately, Ahaz thought his plan was the smartest way to go and he ignored the prophet’s message, even though he had been assured that God Himself would take care of the situation.

Then in verse 9 Ahaz is again warned, “…If you will not believe, surely you shall not be established.” Unfortunately, Ahaz trusted Ahaz.

Ahaz had a choice to make. He could take God at His word, or he could rely on his own strategy. I have found myself in this situation more than once. God had laid out a plan that seemed preposterous to me and I thought I knew best. God was patient in showing me again and yet again I must trust Him. Still, there was that moment when I had to take a leap of faith surrendering to His will. Choices made would affect my future.

For myself, God came through in amazing and wonderful ways. My decision to trust Him changed the course of my life, but what if I had not chosen God’s Word and God’s way?  Where would I be now?

Ahaz was his own worst enemy. He was not established. God did deliver Jerusalem from Assyria. You can read about it in 2 Kings 19:35. God did just what He said He would do. Ahaz missed the wonder. Ahaz was not established.

In Isaiah 50:10-11, God lays out the same opportunity to operate in God’s ways or man’s ways. Isaiah 50:10 says: “Who among you fears the LORD? Who obeys the voice of His Servant? Who walks in darkness and has no light? Let him trust in the name of the LORD and rely upon His God.”

That’s one choice. Verse 11 of that same chapter describes the alternate choice. Will I think my ways better than God’s? Will I lean on my own understanding?

Choose wisely. Exercise your faith and take God at His word. Know the calm in the eye of the storm. Do not let fear overcome faith. Believe and be established.

Father, I have found You faithful. Even when I have no understanding, I want to look to You to be the remedy, the light, the truth in my life. You have counseled me in Your Word. I will ever trust in You. Amen.