Facets of God

“… those who seek Me diligently will find Me.” Proverbs 8:17


  • A small flat surface, as on a cut gem;
  • Any of the definable aspects that make up a subject or an object.*

A gem cutter seems to have an intuition about just where to strike the rock that contains a diamond, so that when the outer parts fall away, what is left is a remarkably brilliant, precious gem. All its edges and surfaces (“facets”) are like prisms, reflecting light that dances and sparkles.

I have found, in my quest to know the Lord more, that He is like a diamond with countless facets. Just when I think I understand Him and can pray or worship accordingly, then something new about Him is revealed, and I wonder if I know much of anything at all.

Truly, the older I get, the more I know that I don’t know much.

Roget’s Thesaurus** gives even more words to consider when thinking about facets: appearance, view, display, presence, form, side, feature, trait, countenance, image, perspective, and display. A facet is what is visible.

To put this in other words, God’s facets—His traits, displays, sides, and features—are many. We will never fully know Him until we see Him.

While reading A.W. Tozer’s The Attributes of God, I began to understand just how vast God really is. For instance, God is OMNIPRESENT—everywhere at once (Psalm 139:7-10)—and IMMANENT—He penetrates everything (Acts 17:27-28).

He is ETERNAL, and He is SELF-EXISTENT, UNCAUSED, UNMADE. Likewise, the Son is not created, but BEGOTTEN. The Spirit is not created, nor begotten, but PROCEEDING.** Is your head swimming yet?

While Tozer has a wonderful way of opening up the facets of God to us, helping us see through the Scriptures what has previously been unimaginable, the most amazing way for us to see God is to seek out what He says about Himself in His Word.

The Bible is God talking to us. And what is He saying? “Here I am. Seek Me and find Me. Look for Me in My Word to you. I might seem hidden, but it’s my deep desire to be known by You. I am not afar off; I am near.”

Every time we read the scriptures, we should look for God to reveal Himself to us in new ways. Perhaps you would like to keep a little notebook or journal expressly for the purpose of writing down everything you discover about God in your daily reading.

Father, would You reveal Yourself to us in Your Word? Let us begin to know You in fresh ways. Your beauty and majesty are beyond compare! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

*Merriam, Webster. Merriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary. Merriam Webster Inc. 1 August 2019.
**Davidson, George. Roget’s Thesaurus: Of English Words and Phrases. Penguin/RA Publishing. 1 January 2006.
***Tozer, A.W. The Attributes of God (Volumes 1 & 2). Christian Pubsn. 1 January 1998.