A Well-Lit Path

“I have come as a light into the world, that whoever believes in Me should not abide in darkness.” John 12:46

It’s dangerous to walk in the dark.

I live far from the city lights, and if the moon isn’t lighting the night, I can’t see where to put my feet in my own driveway. If I have some need to be outside, inevitably I trip over some part of our riding mower, or stub my toe on the cracked concrete, or run into the barbeque, or step on a little frog. We wisely keep a flashlight by the door; of course, I must remember to take it out when exiting the door!

I found myself walking in the dark in certain areas of my life recently. (The word translated “darkness” can mean evil or sin, but can also mean gloom, obscurity, ignorance, or lack of spiritual perception.) My journal reflects me crying out for wisdom repeatedly, as I navigated the unseen corners I had to turn, with debris from my past tripping me up, and intrusive noisemakers vying for my attention. “Go there! Do that! Be somebody!” I didn’t know which way to turn, and desperately wanted a light for my path before resentment, depression, fear, or unfruitfulness set in.

What came first was the thought that God’s Word is a lamp for our feet and a light for our path (Psalm 119:105), so I pictured a great big light shining on my path from above, as God’s Word gave me direction. But somehow I felt that this time, the Lord wanted me to dig for a deeper meaning.

Then I found Psalm 85:13. “Righteousness will go before Him, and shall make His footsteps our pathway.” Instead of a light shining on the path, I have a Person Who IS light, leading the way. He Himself, His very presence, is ahead on the path, so that by His presence I can now see His footsteps and walk in them. He assured me just then that we would walk together—and Scripture does confirm that He walks with us, never leaving us for even a moment.

Now I know that I’m not trying to navigate my own path that seems dark at times, but I am simply following Him. Where He leads me, I will follow.

Long ago, I heard a preacher say, “If you want to do God’s will, find out what He’s doing, and join Him.” I understand now that this means to walk behind, with Him leading and lighting the way. Separation from Him is darkness; He is the Light of the world (John 8:12).

Lord, how we long to walk on Your path. Show us Yourself, that we may follow in Your footsteps. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.