But God!
“A prayer of one overwhelmed with trouble, pouring out problems before the Lord.” Psalm 102:1 NLT
2001 wasn’t just devastating for America; I experienced my own personal “9-1-1.” On April 29, 2021, I said goodbye to my beloved mother who was dying from her third bout with breast cancer. On the long drive home, my then-husband admitted a secret life of sin that had started before I had even met him and continued over our 16-year marriage.
The next months and years were full of loss as we buried my mother, my husband lost his job, and our marriage ended in divorce. I was wrecked. Satan shouted at me, “You’re done. You’re unlovable. You’re unlovely. You’re alone!”
BUT GOD whispered, “We haven’t even started. You are Mine. You are loved. You are lovely. You will never be alone!”
David starts this Psalm by listing his troubles, and indeed, there were many, and they were real. However, in verse 12 the plot changes as he says:
“But you, O Lord, will sit on Your throne forever. Your fame will endure to every generation” (Psalm 102:12).
Here is our hope. Here is the difference for a Christian…it’s not just us, BUT GOD! God knows that in this life we will have troubles…BUT GOD will use them for our good and His glory. He knows that if we focus only on our terrible situation, we will be devastated and become neutralized in grief. BUT GOD says, “Focus on Me. I AM the Creator of the world. I AM on the throne of this world, and I AM with you. With Me, all things are possible.”
They will hurt you…BUT GOD will heal you. There will be sin…BUT GOD will forgive. There will be loss…BUT GOD restores. There will be death…BUT GOD is life, and life eternal!
Just like He promised me, my story doesn’t end there. I met and married a handsome, godly man of integrity who loves and is faithful to me. And just to be sure I knew that he is a gift from my loving God, guess what his birthday is? Each year as April 29 rolls around, I remember the pain and loss…BUT GOD has turned it into a day of celebration!
Beloved Jesus, help me to remember that You have said that in this world I will have trouble…BUT GOD, You have overcome the world, so I can have peace! Amen.
I’ve not experienced so much grief and loss all at once, but over the years, I’ve had it all.. They have all been growing experiences (or ‘stretching’) which I wouldn’t have asked for, but in the end, God knows best and I’ve come out much stronger. Staying centered on Him is the life saver!
But God indeed! Praise the Lord for His grace and mercy and faithfulness!!!
“They will hurt you…BUT GOD will heal you. There will be sin…BUT GOD will forgive.”
How I needed this simple reminder. Thank you for being vulnerable, and praise God for His unfailing love and never-ending faithfulness!