Crucial in Crisis

 “My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience.” James 1:2-3

I was recently listening to a pastor expound on the book of James and this verse became stuck in my brain and swirled around there for a while. How do I count it all joy when I am being tried and tested? I do not think I actually do count it all joy.

Who is happy when things are going wrong? Who in their right mind delights in struggle and difficulties? It is usually painful, confusing, and stressful. The “what ifs” assault me day and night. It is hard to think. It is impossible to sleep. Fear and anxiety stalk me. Nothing is going right and oh, so many things are going wrong! Count it all joy? It sounds unreasonable and irrational.

The purpose of trials is a test of my faith. What do I believe when the darkness closes in? Who do I trust when I am helplessly unable to cope with those things that have come against me? The trial either proves my faith strong and sure, or reveals it as mere lip service and wishful thinking.

Then this quiet whisper came. In the midst of the trial who is your joy? Jesus is my joy. The light began to break through. Jesus is my joy! Read it again: Count it all Jesus when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience (or endurance).

I shared my thoughts with my husband and he explained it like this. After a major surgery he was in great pain and the medication he was given was incorrectly prescribed and was not enough to alleviate that pain. He was suffering and unable to find relief. We read the Psalms together and as we did, he experienced the presence of Jesus there with him. The pain was not relieved, but it suddenly did not matter, for he had found a place of peace and eventually drifted off to sleep. In the midst of the trial Jesus showed up and Jesus was enough. (In due time his prescription was adjusted to the proper dosage)

He says now that you do not realize that Jesus is all you need until Jesus is all you have.

Our finances may disappear, our bodies may fail, our reputations may be slandered, and we may experience betrayal, suffering, and loss, but Jesus, our joy, will be there proving our faith and proving that He is all-sufficient.

Father, You supply all that is needed in any given situation. Our faith is wholly in You. We look to You with grateful hearts and give you praise. Amen.