Dare To Obey

“But Moses said to God, ‘Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh, and that I should bring the children of Israel out of Egypt?’” Exodus 3:11

I am an introvert. I don’t do well in social gatherings. As a child we moved from one place to another so frequently that I attended eleven different schools before I graduated from high school. I was always the new kid staring into the faces of a classroom of kids I did not know—yet again. I became adept at going my own way quite alone and avoiding social situations and public events. They terrified me.

Imagine my surprise and deep dismay when the Lord spoke to me about teaching His Word before other women. I tried to deny it. I tried to run from it. I made as many excuses as Moses. I have no education. I always fail at this. Who am I?

I don’t know what your calling is from God. It may look nothing like mine. But somewhere along your journey God will most probably ask you to do something you feel totally unable to do. The excuses and the rationalizations will rise. It will possibly make no sense to you whatever that God would ask such a thing of you.

Peter got out of a perfectly good boat and walked upon the waves. Young David slew a giant before mighty warriors who had ducked the challenge. Joshua marched around walls and they crumbled at his feet. That’s crazy. Yet God uses just a fisherman, just a boy, just a refugee on the run, just me, just you. He uses earthen vessels to hold untold treasure, the treasure of Himself, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of men (2 Corinthians 4:7).

Moses asked God who he should say had sent him when he spoke to the children of Israel. In Exodus 3:14 God answers, “Thus you shall say to the children of Israel, I AM has sent me to you.” And there is where the authority and ability to answer your calling comes from. The Great I AM will be with the “Who am I.”

I want to encourage you to be willing to respond to the move of God in your life. Get out of the boat, pick up a stone, take that first lap around the walls. He will certainly be with you.

Father, You are an adventure beyond anything our minds can conceive. May we dare to obey You and risk all for Your glory. Amen.