
“And when you pray, do not babble on like pagans, for they think that by their many words they will be heard. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask Him.” Matthew 6:7-8 BSB

My daughter-in-law’s birthday is coming up soon, and I had no idea what to get for her. I had texted my son for some suggestions, but I had done so while he was at work to avoid her seeing my text, and by the time he got home, he had forgotten to hint around at home. Thus, his only answer a couple days later was, “I need some ideas myself.”

My husband and I were shopping around Costco, killing some time before an appointment, and on a whim I said, “Let’s just look in the kitchen section for that birthday gift.” I prayed a quick “Help me find this gift, Lord,” and headed my cart down the aisle of pots and pans and such, with him following far behind (shopping is not his thing.) By the time he caught up with me, I had found her gift—a set of colorful kitchen knives, sharp, all different sizes, each with its own sheath. It was perfect.

My husband didn’t think it was perfect. He grimaced. “Kitchen knives? Knives are not a good gift!”

I replied, “I would love a nice set of knives like these! They’ve been married several years now, and everything just wears out. It won’t take up any room in their little apartment. It’s perfect.” I put them in the cart. My husband was already walking toward the next aisle.

Then he found some nice-smelling candles, which he thought made a much nicer gift. I suggested he pick his favorite, and we could give that to her, too. (Thankfully, it came in a box so I can actually wrap it.) On the way home, I texted my son, at work again, that we had found the present so I didn’t need any suggestions after all.

When I woke up this morning, as I laid in bed thinking, I prayed, “Lord, give me something to write about today! I want to write a devotional.”

I went out and made my coffee, then noticed I had a text from my son.

“Knives! We need new kitchen knives! My wife is working with dull tools!” He accompanied it with a picture of a round loaf of bread his wife had just made, which I think means they would not be able to cut it and would have to tear off chunks. (He sees humor in many things that I don’t always catch.)

When I showed my husband our son’s text this morning, he just rolled his eyes and said, “Boy, you sure nailed it!”

I knew it wasn’t me—it was the Lord. HE knows what we need before we ask. So ask! Give God a chance to answer, and you’ll be blessed, and God will be glorified.

Father, indeed You know what we need before we ask. Asking You helps us be aware of the fact that You are working for us—even when we don’t know it.