Get Away!

“Jesus understands every weakness of ours, because He was tempted in every way that we are. But He did not sin! So whenever we are in need, we should come bravely before the throne of our merciful God. There we will be treated with undeserved grace, and we will find help.” Hebrews 4:15,16 CEV

I was talking with a friend about how some had felt like quitting because of the hard times they were going through. It reminded me of something that happened many years ago. We were going through a stretching time in our ministry. It was intense and very stressful. One day I decided I was going to leave. I went to the closet and got my suitcase out. Then I stood and looked at it, and realized I had nowhere to go…and no money to get me anywhere. I started laughing at the foolishness of it. I laughed and laughed so hard…until I felt better, and then put my suitcase back in the closet. That deep laughter relieved the stress build up. I thanked the Lord for it.

As I thought about this, I thought of how Jesus many times “withdrew from the crowds” to spend time with the Father. He wasn’t quitting. He was just strengthening Himself in the Lord to keep going. He knew He needed some peace and quiet. He needed to pour out His heart to the Father. He needed fresh strength and grace to continue.

This reminded me of another time in my life. We were in Kabul, Afghanistan leading a community of hippies—many new Christians, and others who were on their way to meeting Jesus. It was a 24/7 type of “job.” Our little daughter was a few weeks old. I was feeling overwhelmed by everything, and just needed some peace and quiet. I asked a friend, a fellow missionary, if I could spend the day at her house. I bundled up my little baby, took my Bible, and a notepad to write down my thoughts—and off we went.

Miraculously, my little one slept most of the day (absolutely unheard of.) As she slept, I poured out my heart to the Lord—my tiredness, my feeling like I just couldn’t do everything, my concerns about bringing up our little one in such an unusual environment. The list was long. It was one of two times in my life where I’ve felt like the Lord “dictated” answers to me, and poured His soothing balm over my weary heart. I went home that evening with a carefree heart. Every burden had been lifted from my heart, and fresh strength and grace had been ministered into my body and spirit.

Perhaps when we’re overwhelmed and feel like quitting, what we need is to just get away and pour out our hearts to the Lord. Maybe to a quiet park or beach—or like me, to a friend’s peaceful house. Like Jesus, we need to “withdraw from the crowds” and let the Father minister His peace. The Bible says Jesus understands everything we go through because He went through the same things. He understands when we feel overwhelmed and burdened. He showed us how to handle that!

Jesus withdrew to prepare for what was ahead. He spent time alone to deal with grief. He went away to recover from exhaustion after giving out to the crowds of people.  He spent time with the Father when facing a big decision. When facing distress and hard times, He withdrew. He spent time alone in prayer many times during ministering to the crowds. He understood the need for solitude and time alone with His Father.

Jesus, we have Your example to follow when we get overwhelmed. Help us find the way to withdraw and spend time with You. Amen.