“Then the children of Israel groaned because of the bondage, and they cried out; and their cry came up to God because of the bondage. So God heard their groaning and God remembered His covenant with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob. And God looked upon the children of Israel and God acknowledged them.” Exodus 2:23-25
As I consider God, I see the pattern of who He is all over my life. He weaves His ways and His truth into my everyday moments. The Old Testament is about Abraham, Israel, kings, prophets, and wonderful covenants. And yet in my ordinary life I see those same acts of answered prayer, the possible birthed out of the impossible, light in my darkness, and a Savior who shows up at my point of need.
I see His promises in the Bible and those same promises come to pass in my day-by-day living. Israel was in bondage in Egypt. They served under a hard task master. They were weary and spent, having little to show for their labors. They had no hope.
Has it not been so for us? Look back and see how far you have come in the Lord. Take note how He has repeatedly delivered you. As for me, He showed up when I saw no way forward, when I had lost all that was dear to me and in desperation cried out to Him. Indeed, I groaned!
I cried out.
God heard my cry.
God remembered His covenant with me.
God looked upon me.
And God acknowledged me (knew me).
He was faithful in my unfaithfulness. He was listening for me. He saw me as I was and yet loved me. He knew who I was and He knew who He was making me to be.
When God wants to “move me,” He makes me restless and discontented. Israel was oppressed, forced to hard labor. Moreover, if that were not bad enough, their wee babies were now being killed. Certainly, they were restless and discontented. They were more than ready to make a move and leave Egypt behind. They were not “at home” in Egypt.
I was delivered from my Egypt as well. I am no longer at home in that place. I have found my home in Him and here I am at peace.
God’s pattern of redemption is evidenced throughout this book of Exodus. What He was in history, He is today. What He was to Israel, He is to me. Redeemer!
Father, I live in a promised land. You have made my heart glad! Thank You for Your grace and faithful love. Amen.
Praise Him, Praise Him… and Love Him