Semper Fi
“He who calls you is faithful, who will also do it.” 1 Thessalonians 5:24
For the uninitiated, Semper Fi stands for Semper Fidelis, which translates as “Always Faithful.” I cannot think of a more apt description of God. No matter the anger, the violence, the horror, the darkness, He is still faithful. No matter the chaos, the unimaginable pain, the deep-seated fear, He is still faithful. In the fury of the storm, in the heat of the battle, when all strength is gone, you will find Him faithful.
As I was praying, I began to remember times when I was lost or bewildered, times when all hope was gone, times of defeat and condemnation. In my desperation, my God stood faithful to answer, faithful to supply the thing needed, faithful to give wisdom, faithful to heal, faithful to rescue.
- Restoration of a broken marriage
- Healing of terminal cancer
- Financial blessing – From broke to blessed!
- Purchase of a home when the bank account held only $67
- Return of the prodigals to faith
- Disaster unexplainably diverted
All these things and more I have personally experienced. We can count on God to uphold His Word and keep every promise. Don’t give up too soon. He is always at work on our behalf and delights to answer our prayers and to do those things only He can do. He is more than we can ask or think.
Remember the day of your salvation. That holy moment was God being God. He was faithful to see you and love you right where you were. He supplied all that His righteousness demanded.
Bring to mind all He has done for you thus far. He is not finished with you and He will continue to meet you in faithfulness.
“If we are faithless, He remains faithful. He cannot deny Himself” (2 Timothy 2:13).
“But the Lord is faithful, who will establish you and guard you from the evil one” (2 Thessalonians 3:3).
“Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful” (Hebrews 10:23).
Father, You are my rock and my salvation. When all else fails, You stand stronger than the mountains, steadfast and unfailing. Blessed be Your name. Amen.
Semper Fi.
Thank you Lord for all you have done and all you will do in my life! Thank you for this today..
Amen and Hallelujah! Thank you God for your faithfulness!
What an apt description!
This is especially close to my heart as my late husband’s letters were often ended with, “Love” and “Semper Fi”, or it was written on the back of the envelope. Yes, he was a young Marine, and these words have been a part of my life’s journey as a reminder. Like you, I, too have suffered some of what you have listed, plus more, and it is because of God’s faithfulness, mercy and grace that I am able to declare that HE is “Semper Fidelis”.
God Bless You all.