The Great Miracle
“However, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.” Luke 10:20
Signs, wonders and miracles can increase our faith. They can be a vital part of our testimony. We can share our experience of what God has done in our lives to encourage other believers and to witness to people who maybe don’t have a relationship with Jesus yet. But I think we need to be careful that we remember to focus on the Giver, not the gifts.
Jesus was not flashy when he healed or performed a miracle. He often told the recipient not to tell anyone about it (Matthew 9:30, Mark 1:44). Jesus did not come primarily to perform miracles, but to show us the way to be in relationship with our God. Jesus performed miracles because He is compassionate (Mark 1:41).
God is still a God of miracles—I truly believe that. However, the greatest miracle is that we can be cleansed of our sin and have fellowship with Him now and in eternity.
Lord, thank You for providing a way for us to spend eternity in Your presence. Jesus, thank You for paying for my sin with Your blood. Amen.