The King’s Feast

“He brought me to the banqueting house, and his banner over me was love.” Song of Solomon 2:4

I have an acquaintance who was diagnosed with breast cancer a few years back. It was, as was to be expected, quite a blow to her. She asked all the usual questions: Should I have chemotherapy? Will life ever be the same? Am I going to die? Before the scheduled surgery, the doctors told her that if even one cancer cell remained after surgery and treatment, it would go to her lungs and she would have lung cancer. She opted for a mastectomy and chemo.

While being treated, she moved out of the bedroom she shared with her loving husband, into another room of their home where she could be alone with her Lord and do business with Him. She holed up in there like a hibernating creature, took her books and her Bible and her journal, and cried it out with God the Father right beside her.

She said, “God has called me to His banqueting table.” Immediately the picture that came to me was of the King of the universe Who had prepared a special meal for this beloved daughter of His. He invited her to sit across the table from Him so they could be alone with one another, talking things over, while she “took and ate” what He offered her. She was filled by His sustenance during this time: He gave her Himself, His friendship, His sovereign Lordship, His presence, His sufficient grace. Probably, too, He answered some questions, calmed her spirit, and reassured her with peace and comfort. She was filled with Him. Nothing but her desperate need could have brought this kind of communion and intimacy. He met her in the place she sought Him.

She became a cancer survivor, but more importantly to her, she had known the poverty of spirit that brought with it the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 5:3). Just a few weeks ago, she was told she has Stage 4 liver cancer. Without a miracle, she will not survive the cancer this time. She has again holed up in the other room with her Bible, books, and journal, and a very big box of tissues.

This time, she is walking through the valley of the shadow of death with her Lord. They are together already, on this earth, and soon they will be together in heaven. He is feeding her again at His banqueting table with His precious promises, His rich presence, His sustaining looks of loving commitment to her as they sit across the table from each other.

He invites each of us, individually, to this same table. His invitation is in your hand. Read it–it says, “Won’t you join Me?”

Jesus, we have Your invitation to a table spread with all Your provision for our needs. We accept, and look forward to that meal in Your presence. Amen.