Reluctant Evangelist

Dear Abigail,

Jehovah’s Witnesses keep coming to my door. I usually just tell them I already go to church and politely refuse their pamphlets. I’d really like to witness to them. What do I say that could make a difference for Jesus’ kingdom?

-Reluctant Evangelist

Dear Reluctant,

It might help to start with some common ground. Ask them who God is, and whether they believe the entire Bible. (They’ll probably say yes.)

Now, ask them who Jesus is. They will probably say he is the savior, and the son of God, but not God. Look up some verses ahead of time where Jesus talks about being God, like John 10:30 which says, “I and the Father are One,” or John 14:9, “The one who has seen Me has seen the Father.” Many verses in Hebrews point to Jesus coming from the Father and returning there as well.

Make sure you are not taking verses out of context (and that they aren’t, either!) by reading what came before and after. If you want to prepare even further, research their beliefs and take some time to look up verses that speak to those topics.

Finally, remember that it’s not your clever words that will save anyone, but the work of the Holy Spirit in their lives, so don’t overthink the words but just be obedient to share. The Holy Spirit will do His work. Oh, and don’t forget to pray!

“For Christ did not send me to baptize, but to preach the gospel, not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of no effect.” 1 Corinthians 1:17