A Bothersome Word

“Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.” Colossians 3:2-3

In 1 Samuel 29, before David was crowned king of Israel, he defected for a time to the side of the enemy, the Philistines, and served them well as a dependable soldier and servant. But when the Philistines went to fight against Israel, and David offered to go along and help them fight, some of the Philistines leaders said, “No way!” They did not trust that David would not turn against them at the last minute and fight for his own people, Israel.

David complained to King Achish, the Philistine king he had been serving. He said, “I’ve served you well. Why don’t you trust me?” Achish said in verse 10 that David should go back to the home that Achish had given to him in the Philistine territory. In our modern translation, something very important has been left out of that verse.* What Achish actually said to David is this: “Set no bothersome word in your heart.” He was concerned for Davidʼs feelings and did not want him to spend time worrying about this matter.

He was saying, “Donʼt let this fester. Just let it go, and be on your way.” What a great word for us today! All too often, words are spoken that hurt or annoy us. We allow someoneʼs words to settle in, making themselves at home in our heart and mind. To “set” a bothersome word in our heart is to make a place for it; we bring the bothersome word into our home, so to speak, and even clear off a shelf on which to display it.

We must make decisions about words spoken to or about us. Let us not set the bothersome words in our hearts, but rather, set our mind on things above—because we are hidden with Christ in God.

Lord, this is sometimes so hard to do, but with Your help, I will recognize bothersome words, and I will purpose to set my mind on things above instead of giving those words a place in my heart. In Jesusʼ Name, Amen.

*Nelson, Thomas. Hayford, Jack. The Spirit Filled Life Bible. Thomas Nelson Publishing. 2018.