Is It You?

“The Lord has spoken of David, saying, ‘By the hand of My servant David, I will save My people Israel from the hand of the Philistines and the hand of all their enemies.’” 2 Samuel 3:18

We know that God sent Jesus to be the payment for our sins. This is salvation. But how is that salvation presented to the unsaved?

Today’s Scripture is an example of how God saves by using a chosen person. Is that person you?

God works out His will—but He uses US to accomplish it. This is almost cliché these days, but let’s see if we can see it through new eyes.

God Himself arranges circumstances, people, places, hearts, and wills…

God then gives gifts, inclinations, strength, and ideas to accomplish things…

God then moves people along their way, causing growth, change, relationships, and maturity, while also getting some people out of the way…

And suddenly “we” come into the picture, “we” have a part to play, a part that was planned in advance by the Master Orchestrator of All Events….

And what happens next is NOTHING we knew would happen, nor ever thought about, nor do we even know at the moment it happens that we are carrying out God’s will (because most events are very ordinary and daily to our way of seeing).

And one day we realize that God has used us to accomplish His work.

Why should we be prideful, as if we had done anything, when it is all God’s work? HE should get all the glory for all the so-called “good works” of man.

And to think, He has laid up crowns for us for these things “we” do! What grace and kindness compels Him to give rewards to us for things that He Himself did, as if we had done anything without Him! Glory to God! May His Name be high and lifted up!

“It is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure” (Philippians 2:13).

But let me make it abundantly clear that God doesn’t NEED to use us to accomplish His will. He is completely able within Himself to do all things, everywhere at once, with all power and sovereignty. Doesn’t that just makes it all the sweeter, knowing that He often CHOOSES to work through you and me? Hallelujah!

Lord, we want to be used by You…but give us eyes to see how it is all Your doing! You work in us, and work in the people around us, and arrange all things so that Your will on earth may be done. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.