Hidden Faces, Hidden Hearts
“Nothing is covered up that will not be revealed, or hidden that will not be known.” Luke 12:2 ESV
Have you ever played “Peek-a-Boo” with a baby? How cute they are when they think if they cover their eyes that you can no longer see them.
As they grow, they learn the game of “Hide and Seek.” When one of my grandsons was very little, he would curl up into a ball and hide his face. I would walk around this “ball of a boy in plain sight,” and call his name saying, “I can’t find you, where are you?” He would giggle and say, “Here I am, Grandma.”
Another game of hiding comes with peer pressure. Have you ever worn a “mask”? Not just a Halloween mask but a “happy-face-mask” disguise? You know—the “not letting the people around you know what is going on inside of you” kind of mask. The “happy mask” can be worn by people experiencing deep depression; usually, that mask works well until you are alone again.
Much of our world is still wearing COVID masks. This mask hides a smile or a down-turned mouth, but it allows us to see the eyes of each other, which could betray our “happy mask.”
I have asked the Lord to help me become aware of those who have hidden faces and hidden hearts. Although these people need it the most, they are resistant to showing their needs to anyone. There are those among us who love Jesus but still experience deep despair and unrelenting depression. We do not know what is going on with those around us. Even the ones wearing their happy-face-mask could be hiding a broken heart.
Would you join me in asking God to give us a discerning spirit so that we can recognize through Jesus’ eyes those who are hiding their hearts behind their happy-face mask?
Lord, we want to be discerning people who, as You did, approach the hurting ones with love. Give us the courage to reach out to them, and for those of us who are hurting, the courage to admit that we need prayer. We want to see through Your eyes of love and do what You would do. You have given us wisdom and more if we ask for it, so please help us to become witnesses of Your love by the way we love others.
I agree with that prayer!