What Have I Done?

“For he who sins against (wisdom) wrongs his own soul…” Proverbs 8:36

My husband gave me a huge, gorgeous poinsettia before Christmas. I left it indoors until the weather warmed up, then put it outside to decorate our patio table. I would faithfully bring it in each night to keep it warm.

Early one morning, I looked out the window and saw the poinsettia that I had unwisely left outside. It was very unhappy. Tropical plants do not like to get cold. They particularly hate freezing. Furthermore, it was dry. But didn’t I just water it? Hmm, maybe it had been a few days….

I brought it inside, put it in the sink, and gave it a good, long drink. The formerly bright red leaves were dark and droopy, but I hoped the water would revive it. Then I put it back out on the patio table, and stood back to look at it. I wouldn’t exactly say it looked cheerful.

Later in the day, I told my husband, “I don’t think the poinsettia is going to forgive me.” After tenderly nurturing it a few more days, I knew it was lost.

Though I am talking about a plant and not a person, the picture was vivid to me: Unforgiveness dries you up, takes away beauty, ultimately brings death to relationships. It mars character and restricts God’s work in us and in those who offend. Unforgiveness takes a toll on our body, mind, and emotions.

Of course, there is another side to this problem with the poinsettia: The fact is, I killed it! Accidentally, unthinkingly, forgetfully, carelessly perhaps, but it was entirely my fault. It would be against the natural processes God has built into plants for it to live through my lack of nurture.

Today, let’s think about our own part in relationships that have failed to thrive. Have we been careless with feelings? Have we spoken words that harm? Have we given the time needed to make friendships solid and enduring? Have we considered the needs of another above our own? Perhaps it is time to ask forgiveness of someone, or to forgive someone who has offended us.

And frankly, even with forgiveness, sometimes it takes a miracle of God to restore life, whether to a dying plant, or a dying relationship.

Lord, bring new life to what we have accidentally destroyed. Forgive us. Help us to always consider Your words to live by, that we would walk in love for others. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.