Dear Walk His Way Readers,
Do you have a question about the Christian life? Today we begin a new series of common questions about the Christian life, accompanied by biblical answers. These will be posted occasionally when anyone sends a question to Walk His Way. Your questions are welcomed, and will be posted without any identifying names! These will be answered by one of the Walk His Way staff or by the Little Country Church staff, depending on the question. Please send your questions to Let’s have some (mostly serious) fun with this!
These will appear in the form of the “Dear Abby” column in the newspaper, except we will call it “Dear Abigail,” named after King David’s wife, Abigail, a woman of wisdom, discernment, and self-restraint.

Distraught Daughter

Dear Abigail,
I have tried talking to my father about Jesus, but he thinks that Jesus is a crutch and only weak people need him. I love my dad and want him to be saved, but what can I tell him that will make him see that he needs Jesus, too?
Yours Truly,
Distraught Daughter

Dear Distraught Daughter,

Ask your dad who is the strongest person he knows. Then ask him if that person ever needs help.

The truth of the matter is, we are all broken and no one can get to heaven by his own merit (Romans 3:23). Perhaps remind your dad of a time you werent big enough to do something. Get him to reminisce about how it made him feel to be able to be there for you.

Its the same with our heavenly Father. He doesnt expect us to be tall enough to reach His righteousness. Instead, He has already made a way to bring His righteousness down to us—He is just waiting for us to realize we cant do it.

Your dad may play the tough guy, but I know he has weaknesses, doubts, and fears like any human. And dont be afraid to share about the times Jesus has been there for you.

Dont forget to pray about it!

 “…for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God…” Romans 3:23