Dying to Self – Abiding in Christ – Part 1

“As the Father loved Me, I also have loved you; abide in My love. If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love, just as I have kept My Father’s commandments and abide in His love.” John 15:9-10

As a child, I remember driving cross-country, cramped into a small car with my mom and dad, my younger brother, my grandma, and our little dog… all the way from California to New York. There was often the familiar groaning (of us kids) coming from the backseat, “Are we there yet?” Or the whining, “How much longer till we get there?” My parents would give an ETA, which would quiet us down for a while. It didn’t matter the length of the trip, it always seemed so long, and we were anxious to get there.

We, as children of God, are on the longest journey ever! How much longer do WE have until we arrive at OUR destination, Heaven? The answer remains unknown to us, but God has an appointed time for each one of us. We will be traveling on this road of life however long He has planned for us. Abiding in Him for the duration of our journey in life sounds like an excellent idea! We need Him and He wants fellowship with us. Who would want to go on a long trip without someone they love and can trust?!

We must remember that while on this earth, this place is not our home. We are just sojourners traveling through. The journey of life can be a rugged road, full of bumps and cliffs, sorrow, and suffering. Some of the most difficult times in my life were due to my own sin before I knew how to abide in Christ. I tried to do everything outside of God. Yet, it’s this difficult road that has caused me to run to my Heavenly Father.

Life is unpredictable and as children of God we need the security of a loving Father to protect us, guide us, and love us. It was through these troubles that I came to know that God was a father like no other: predictable, all-loving, all-knowing, all powerful, and all present. I learned the more I needed Him, the more I grew to trust Him. “Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things which you do not know” (Jeremiah 33:3 NKJV).

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for Who You are in our lives. Where would we be without You? You tell us to abide in You and we desire this as we follow You and live for You. Keep us close and help us to spend time talking to You every day along the way. In Jesus’ Name! Amen.