The Glow
“The ways of right-living people glow with light; the longer they live, the brighter they shine.” Proverbs 4:18 MSG
My sweet, elderly landlady invited me and a few others to her home for breakfast. I wasn’t thrilled, because it was at an earlier hour than I like, and I’m not a breakfast-eater. The hour and non-hunger proved to be the least of my challenges. I arrived and saw the table laden with toast, juice, milk, coffee, eggs, oatmeal…as I looked at this feast and wondered how I could possibly eat all of that, I got seated across the table from her. She was lovely. I was young myself, but she was several years my junior. She had clear rosy skin, shiny dark hair, a pretty smile, and…the glow.
The glow was from her recent engagement. Looking frequently at her sparkly new ring, she told me about her fiancé. As it turned out, I had gone to school with him and knew him to be a good guy. She talked of being excited to cook for him, and she and my landlady traded cookbook recommendations. I joked about how my brother said I needed to marry someone who could cook because I am not much of one and don’t really enjoy it. Miss Glow turned to me and said oh-so-wisely, “You’ll change your mind about that when you get married.”
As the conversation continued, she said it to me several more times as I sat there not relating to the domesticated bliss that was destined to befall me should I become a wife. I’m not at all against wanting to make a nice home, but it’s not my gift. Me getting married would not suddenly turn me into June Cleaver. Drowning in my implied inadequacies, by the time I left I was ready to smack that glow right off her. I know, I know. Not my best moment!
In Christian circles, we often talk about how we can “just tell” if others are fellow believers—they have that certain something or a glow about them. I wonder: What does my glow look like to non-believers? How often have I said something “wisely” or “encouraging” that comes across as condescending? Too often. My intentions were in the right place, but I want my glow to draw people to Jesus, not make them feel less than because they don’t yet have it.
Father, thank You for Your grace that glows within me. Thank You for giving it to me, and please help me to use it with love and for Your glory. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Good encouragement!
This is such a good reminder! Thank you!
This hit me today! Thank you so much, and thanks for the laugh this morning as well.