New View

“…the time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel.” Mark 1:15

Repent. We often hear it said that to repent is to turn and face a new direction. This makes sense—we go about living life, and the Word comes to us to repent, and things should change within us. We should not be living as we did before; we should now live in God’s love, in His ways, with His rules, on His path, pleasing Him.

In a spiritual sense, in repentance and belief our inner man is renewed. We have new life; we are new creatures in Christ, we have His Spirit living within us.

In a literal sense, facing a new direction brings us a new view. In soldier-speak, life does an about-face. Everything takes on new meaning. It’s like taking a sharp turn when driving a car, where suddenly what opens before us is a whole new scene—unexpected, unseen, unknown.

The new view brings hope. Better days ahead. New dreams. New purpose. New paths.

Turn the corner and see what God does.

Father, we repent of our old ways and look forward to walking with a new view. Amen.