Hiding Behind the Masks We Wear
“A happy face means a glad heart; a sad face means a breaking heart.” Proverbs 15:13 TLB
The masks we wear. We all wear them you know, at some time in our lives. I asked myself one day, why do I feel the need to wear one? Is it because growing up, I was told, just say you’re fine, because no one really wants to know your troubles, or how you truly might be feeling. But God does.
Maybe the mask is a protection from the outside hurts that we accumulated. Sometimes for me, I think maybe I’m not worthy enough to allow others to know how I really feel. Or maybe people will think less of me, because I’m not well, I’m sad or just out of sorts. Sometimes it’s just too much to explain because truthfully, I’m not sure I even know how I’m feeling. I am just not feeling good, or right or comfortable with myself.
As I have grown older and hopefully a little wiser, I have learned to take those doubts and fears to God. He is the one who does understand and who always listens and knows what is best for me. He cares for me and He has heard all my whining and complaints—some valid, some not so much—but He knows the truth and He loves me anyway. God knows what I need and when I need it; I don’t have to pretend when I talk with Him because He already knows what I need to thrive and bloom in His kingdom and in my life.
Have you talked with God today? Have you told Him your feelings, fears or whatever? If not, why not? He is on your side and He will love you, defend you, and heal you, and all the negative and sometimes painful thoughts. Allow Him now, today, to be your comfort.
“We know how much God loves us because we have felt His love and because we believe Him when He tells us that He loves us dearly. God is love, and anyone who lives in love is living with God and God is living in him” (1 John 4:16 TLB).
Dear Lord, You are so good to us. You see each one of us without our mask and You love us anyway. Teach us to be real with each other and to have the compassion that You show us every day. May we all have the confidence to love and see each other as you do. Amen!