The Gift of a Father

“If a son asks for bread from any father among you, will he give him a stone?” Luke 11:11a

When my husband and I relocated to the North State, the house we moved into was constructed of slump stone. I had never heard of this building material before. It looked like it would hold up well in a desert environment—which, indeed, seemed to be where we were. It repeatedly hit 115 degrees that summer. I remember standing on the top floor of the downtown parking garage, watching visible heat waves rise against my bare legs. I felt I was being baked alive, and thought I would perish on the spot.

Stones are good for some things. They are good for house-building in the desert. They are good for throwing into still ponds, just for the joy of making ripples. They are apparently good for constructing fences along Dersch Road as you head towards Hwy. 299.

But stones aren’t bread. If you are hungry, you want bread, not rocks. Bread is soft, tasty, and satisfies hunger. It is nourishment, nurture, provision, sustenance. And it’s yummy!

If my child asks for food, will I hand her a rock and say, “Here, honey, chew on this instead”?

When we’re running on empty spiritually, as we are so prone to do, what can we do? Walk in desolation, depression, and despair? Just “live with it?” Can stones nourish us?

Let’s read Luke 11:13b: “If you… know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him!”

What? Just ask?

Ask God to give you the Holy Spirit—and don’t be afraid of His provision. I know people who fear offering themselves to the Lord because they fear God will send them somewhere they don’t want to go. They won’t pray for patience because God will send a trial. They fear if they open up to God, He’ll make them weird. Stones.

No. God gives bread. Life. Breath. Fullness. Abundance. Wisdom. Peace. All good gifts.

He gives the Holy Spirit. Just ask Him.

Our Father, give us the Holy Spirit. We know that everything You give is good! Thank You.