“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13
A new year, a new leaf, a new year’s resolution, we always start these statements set out to solve a problem. We’re good about it for a few weeks, maybe even a few months until… we all know what happens.
I’m not saying don’t make your goals for this year, but instead when making those resolutions, don’t just name the problem—invite God into the resolution and claim victory over it! And when you battle your resolution, remember your identity. You are a daughter of the King of Victory. Everything you want to overcome in the next year, you can, because of God.
You are an overcomer. You can overcome unhealthy habits, you can overcome those addictions, you can overcome those sins, you can overcome those fears, those wounds, those negative feelings. You are an overcomer! When that problem seems too big to tackle, or the “new year” loses its excitement, remember your identity, remember God cannot fail, and with HIS strength you will overcome! That problem does not define you and it does not own you.
From the lyrics of the song Overcomer* by Mandisa
The same Man, the Great I am
The One who overcame death
He’s living inside of You
So just hold tight, fix your eyes
On the One who holds your life
There’s nothing He CAN’T do
He’s telling you
You’re an overcomer!
God, we claim victory over the areas in our lives that we need to change this year. We know with You helping us fight that battle we will win, we will be victorious, we will overcome. We give You all the glory. Amen.
We all needed this today…….or whatever day it is read and/or shared! Thank you and God Bless You all.