Learning to Give

“I have shown you in every way, by laboring like this, that you must support the weak. And remember the words of the Lord Jesus, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’”  Acts 20:35

 Thanksgiving season always reminds me of my early teenage years. As a particularly rebellious teen, I recall fighting with my parents over most everything, but chores around the house were grounds for war. I hated everything about it and couldn’t wait to escape their dungeon of slave labor.

Then came the year Mom got her diagnosis of melanoma cancer. It seemed like such a small, harmless mole perched there on her arm, but the doctors said it had to go.  Back in those days, the sure way to get all the malignant cells was to cut away tons of extra tissue, then do skin grafts from her thigh.

Home after surgery and in unimaginable pain, Mom spent most days lying in bed sobbing. That’s when my dad said to me, “You’re going to have to help around the house.” What? The horror. That’s how selfish I was; I had to be asked. Eventually, pulling myself out of shock, I went about taking over the household chores—all of them. I now did all the vacuuming, dusting and laundry, and my least favorite, cooking. Poor me.

Thanksgiving time rolled around. Unfortunately, I’d never seen the inside of a turkey or anything else. All Dad and I’d ever done was pull up to the table and shovel down Mom’s amazing feast. By some miracle, I managed to get a turkey and all the trimmings on the table. I’m not sure if it tasted good or not, but the happy look on Mom’s face as I took her a tray of food, is something that brings tears to my eyes to this day.

It’s funny, God never allows us to carry sinful attitudes for long. He always sees what we can be, who we can touch with His love, lives that can be healed. Thank God, I apologized to my parents in later years for being such a difficult child. With gracious hearts, they forgave me.

Lord Jesus, thank You for giving us opportunities to give of ourselves daily. Though You don’t condemn us for missing some of these, I know You smile when we finally get it. We are ever so thankful.