Reason for Joy
“Shout joyfully to the LORD all the earth! Break forth into song, rejoice and sing praises!” Psalm 98:4
What freedom it is to express our heart’s longing and true desire in joyous praise to our Lord! My favorite time in the day is early morning. I love to walk the neighborhood and pray with my worship music on my iPod at the beginning of the new day. No one is out and about yet, except a few other walker/adventures, so I feel free to worship in song and physically express my gratitude and joy (but not too loudly). I see the last of the stars twinkling their song to the glory of the Lord, and then the show begins.
The eastern sky begins to glisten with a hint of what’s to come. Shadows fade, and then the brilliance of the sun slowly peaks over the mountains coloring the sky with orange and other soft hues of His majestic paint brush. Then the full ray appears, lighting up creation as the morning birds sing and the Canadian geese begin their flight, not realizing the blessing they are giving this human being. My soul explodes in recognition of my Savior’s creativity and beauty. I’m overwhelmed at His gift to us!!
He repeats a similar show in the evening as the sun sets and the clouds radiate His elegance and grandeur. Sometimes He adds a little breeze or soft rain to the mix. I’m reminded of Psalm 18:10 which says, “He rides on the wings of the wind.” So much beauty!
We certainly are a blessed people to know our Lord Jesus as our Savior and King. A lot of things happen during our days that try to rob our joy and worship of our Lord. The tyranny of the urgent can steal our attention and bring our focus to the crisis instead of our focus on our Lord and rescuer. He reminds me often that He has this and I can trust in Him completely! When my focus is on His glory and bigness that the day had begun with, I’m humbled and my heart again is overwhelmed with gratitude!
This is a time of year we celebrate Thanksgiving, yet if we practice this daily, our lives will be much richer and effective to glorify our God in all we say and do!
“Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
Look full in His wonderful face.
And the things of the earth
Will grow strangely dim
In the Light of His Glory and Grace!”*
Lord, thank You for bringing Your glory to us throughout our day in so many ways: the kindness of a stranger, the laughter of children, and the embrace of a hurting soul—let alone Your majestic creation that shouts Your praise. Thank You that You care enough to color Your sky with brilliance and majesty to bless Your children. I pray we recognize Your beauty throughout our days.
We are so Blessed by our Heavenly Father! So many things to be grateful for! Thank you, Lord Jesus, for LIFE!