The Sidelines

“…that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.” Ephesians 3:19b

You want to know my biggest fear? It’s that somehow I’ll miss God’s best for me. I’ll miss His call, or miss the fulfilled dream. I fear that my life will be misspent on less-thans and not-quites.

Some of us fear that we have chosen the folding chair on the sidelines of the gymnasium at the junior high school dance, sitting, watching, never participating. In our deepest deep, we yearn to dance—to be free, abandoned to joy, having fun, getting involved. We may watch others attempt all the newest steps, but we seem stuck.

The longer we sit on the sidelines, the more lethargic we feel, and the more we convince ourselves that the dance (I am speaking of the Spirit-life) isn’t all that great… and they sure look stupid and uncoordinated out on the floor… and we’re just so tired… and we have this disability that keeps us from dancing… and we heard you have to be careful when you dance… and we just know we’ll do it all wrong even if we do attempt it… and why do we have to ENJOY dancing anyway?

Isn’t the dancing life—the life of the Spirit—just for the super-spiritual? The artists? The philosophers? The deep-thinkers? The fanatics?

For all our arguments that would keep us in the chair, we still yearn to live a filled life. Abandoned to love, caring for people as if it was the most important thing we ever did. Shamelessly showing others the way to the Father. Having His heart beat within our own. Desiring to live in the fullness that He intends.

I don’t want to miss that, and it makes me say yes when opportunities to minister and live and love come my way. I know I can trust Him to lead me out on the dance floor, and to be my partner there. He’ll show me the steps, and will stick it out with me no matter how many times I step on His toes.

“If you only knew the gift God has for you…” (John 4:10a). Not just in eternity, but now, in this life, for He is the Giver of all good things.

Father, we don’t want to settle for just watching other people’s experiences with You. We believe You have a dance for each of us. Lead us out onto the dance floor with You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.