Careful Listening

A Mini Devotional

“…you who fear God, listen:” Acts 13:16b

My son’s dog will never be known to be in possession of great brainpower. He is basically a sweet, zealous, dumb animal.

But one thing he knows is his master’s voice, as I witnessed on a recent visit. They play a bit of a game at mealtime. My son puts the dog’s food down but makes him sit awaiting the signal to eat.

My son will say, “Pete.” The dog will sit looking intently into his face.

Then, “Let’s meet.” No movement from the dog.

Next: “You have big feet.” The dog waits. His tail does not wag—dinner is serious business.

This goes on for some time with all sorts of words that rhyme with “eat.”

Finally, my son will have mercy. “Eat,” he says quietly. You can imagine how the dog leaps to his feet and wolfs down the food.

Though God will not play these tricks on us, how I want to hear my Master’s voice in just the same way! Expectantly. Carefully listening for His exact words. Not mis-hearing Him or misunderstanding His intent.

Lord, grant us open ears and clear understanding of what You say. Amen.