Increased Government

 “Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end, upon the throne of David and over His kingdom, to order it and establish it with judgment and justice from that time forward, even forever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.” Isaiah 9:7

With the upcoing elections looming, and the accompanying speeches, promises, programs, and accusations, we’ll hear all kinds of opinions from all kinds of people. My own parents belong to the “less government is better” camp, and perhaps many of us feel the same way.

I’ve heard some angry expressions about how things are going for us as a nation. Conclusions are reached as to where we are headed and how it will all end up… and it isn’t a pretty sight.

Unfortunately, even many Christians hold the point of view that there is no hope for us, government-wise.

Over the holidays, we will read the words of Isaiah 9:6 on many Christmas cards: “For unto us a Child is born… and His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” But something is overlooked in that verse: it is the part that says, “And the government will be upon His shoulder.” Then, in verse 7 (quoted above), “Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end…”

Who’s really in charge of the government? Indeed, God has ordained certain people to oversee certain other people on this earth. It was not so from the very beginning—when it was just God over man—but eventually He did ordain judges, priests, kings, prophets, elders, fathers, and masters, in order to maintain structure and authority within families, churches, workplaces, and nations.

But upon Whose shoulders does the government actually rest? Scripture tells us plainly that the government is upon Christ. His is the government that is actually increasing. His is the government that has no end. He is the One Who orders and establishes it.

Yes, it is our responsibility to do our part in electing officials that will uphold godly values. Yes, we study issues and problems so that we know how to pray.

No, the outcome doesn’t belong entirely to us. It is God’s. “The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.” Nothing can stop His will and plan. Nothing is strong enough or devious enough to undo His design. Nothing can thwart His strategy and methods.

His Big Picture is the only picture.

Be comforted. His Word is true. If He says the government rests upon His shoulders, then it does. If He says His government is increasing, then it is. If He says His government will never end, then it never will. Period. No matter how it looks to us.

Father, You oversee this whole system of life. Nothing escapes Your attention. We trust You with outcomes. Amen.