God Math
“’Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in My house, and try Me now in this,’ says the LORD of hosts, ‘if I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you such blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it.’” Malachi 3:10
My car recently needed some repairs that were going to take three-fourths of our savings (which made me think I probably should be saving more!) The repairs needed to be done, and so they were. My husband got paid the same day the car was ready to be picked up and so I knew there was enough in our checking account to cover it until I transferred the money from our savings. When I went to transfer the money I found I only needed to transfer one-fourth, not the original three-fourths!
When I told my husband, he asked, “How in the world?”, to which I replied, “God Math.” In the physical world there is no possible way, but in the spiritual world there is God Math. In Malachi 3:10, God challenges us (“now try Me in this”) to tithe, and then He will bless us. There have been numerous times when I know what is in my checking account and what should be in my checking account are two entirely different things…mathematically “not room enough to receive it!” Amazing!
Scripture demonstrates this in both the Old and New Testaments. We see it with Elisha, the widow and the oil (2 Kings 4:1-7) and many times with Jesus during His sojourn here on earth, for example with seven loaves and a few fish feeding 4,000 (Matthew 15:34-38) and again with a boy’s five loaves and two small fish feeding 5,000 (John 6:5-13). God Math!
Several years ago we attended a summer breakout session at our church on tithing. It changed our lives. If you do not currently tithe, please hear my heart, and I pray to have God’s heart on this matter. This is not a church-driven end-of-the-year money drive, this is from a child of God who has seen God Math play out in many ways other than a checking account. God doesn’t need ten percent of your money—He has plenty. What He desires is your heart…He wants to do God Math in your life, because He loves you. Trust Him and watch “the windows of heaven open and pour out.”
Lord, thank You that Your ways and thoughts are higher than ours will ever be (Isaiah 55:9). Help us to trust You with our hearts, finances and lives. Thank You for God Math. Amen.
I have found this to be very true in my life also. “We don’t give to get, we give to get to give!”
I was challenged by these verses long ago and put them to the test. I have never lacked.