
A Mini Devotional

“At Gibeon the LORD appeared to Solomon in a dream by night; and God said, ‘Ask! What shall I give you?’” 1 Kings 3:5

In Scripture, we find God or His messengers appearing to people in dreams. We hear stories of it happening today, as well; in particular, we often hear from converted Muslims or other peoples who don’t have God’s Word telling us how God appeared to them in dreams while they were sleeping.

I can’t say that God has ever appeared to me in a dream, but many of you can tell stories about Him coming to you in this way.

Why did He appear while they were sleeping? We don’t know—His ways are higher than ours. It doesn’t matter to Him if we are awake or asleep. It doesn’t matter to Him if we are walking down the street, or laying in a hospital bed in a coma. He has no trouble communicating either way.

Will we receive His Word to us while we are sleeping? May we say with Solomon, “I sleep, but my heart is awake” (Song of Solomon 5:2).

Father, may we be awake to You, no matter when You speak. Amen.