Give It Up

Let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.” Hebrews 12:1

I have a “birthday book” where I record the birthdays of friends and family. I love reaching out to them on their special days with a word of greeting and love. Lately I’ve been noticing how many of these dear ones have passed on. I guess that happens as we all grow older. I love thinking about them connecting in heaven—sweet reunions!!

I read a story recently about the army of Alexander the Great. His troops had experienced one victory after another…but they had become so weighted down with plunder from those victories, that they were in danger of losing their ability to keep fighting effectively. Alexander directed that the spoils be thrown into a heap and burned! You can imagine that there was much complaining.  But it was effective. Without the weight they had been carrying, they went on to victory after victory. “It was as if wings had been given to them.”

This story reminded me of how important it is to not let “things of this world” weigh me down. I must continually give any weight I carry to the Lord. It’s a daily process. As I do this, He will lift the burdens from my heart and help me persevere and endure. I’m so grateful for His help in keeping my spirit light!

As I’ve been writing this, I’ve been thinking of all the “weights” the Lord has taken from me these last eight years. I would not have been able to keep going if the Lord hadn’t carried the heavy weights. He has been so faithful! I am grateful for His loving care. I am still standing, and able to face whatever is still ahead because of His goodness in helping me on this long journey!

Father, we all carry weights, whether it is plunder, suitcases, or just plain garbage. We know it is weighing us down, so please take it from us, and lead us in a new way. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

A Note From the Editor: From time to time, Sally shares news about All Nations, a ministry that equips people from many different cultures to share the Good News of Jesus in countries all over the world. In her latest update, she included this letter from a colleague, Dr. Mary Ho, DSL, that we thought you would enjoy reading.

Dear All Nations friends,

I spent this past week with our key local pioneer leaders in Malawi. I went there knowing that our local leaders have planted about 300+ churches and Discovery Bible Studies (DBS). I went there knowing that the last two years of Covid devastated their livelihood, and that persecution and pressure pummeled church gatherings and outreach in several regions. I went there expecting that the emergent church movements had perhaps been squeezed to scale back. However, during these two years of hardships, the work has instead multiplied to more than 500+ churches and Discovery Bible Studies (DBS) and are still rapidly growing. In their hardest times, our local leaders have stubbornly focused on making disciples and planting and multiplying churches among the neglected. We spent three days hearing each of their life stories and testimonies of the sick being healed, the oppressed set free, and Imams, witch doctors, and the destitute following Jesus.

But what touched me most is how it all started . . .

Years ago, Rebman, one of our Malawian pioneer leaders, had come to Cape Town seeking work and was living in a cramped shack in the poor Masiphumelele township. He shared how our towering (6’ 6″) All Nations Founder Floyd McClung would visit him every two days and disciple him. “Papa Floyd would squeeze in and sit on the floor just like us. He understood our African hearts. And he would always wash his own cup before he leaves,” shared Oliver and Rhoda, our very first Malawian pioneer leaders. Rebman knew that he needed to take back to Malawi what Floyd had imparted to him. Our other Malawian leaders shared similar stories—that someone invested in them through life-on-life discipleship. They spoke of “Papa Mike and Mama Cita,” of “Michael” and “Cedric,” of “Jonathan” and “Tiaan” . . . and many more. Now our Malawian pioneer leaders are modeling the same—multiplying leaders who multiply leaders, and multiplying churches that are now multiplying churches to the 4th and 5th generation cycle.

In this visit, I learned from our Malawian leaders to be:

  • Hungry to learn and quick to implement
  • Unwavering in disciple-making, even in hardship
  • Dependent on the Holy Spirit for mighty works and wisdom

I learned that the Malawian movement started with the globally-in-demand Floyd willing to set aside his international daily planner, and to instead sit shoulder-to-shoulder and share daily life with others who would disciple many more.

So, for each of us, who are we investing in? And who is investing in each of us, that we can partake in Kingdom movements? It’s On!

Dr. Mary Ho, DSL

All Nations International Inc. | International Executive

Reaching the neglected globally–the least, the last the lost.