The Truth              

“The entirety of Your Word is truth…” Psalm 119:160a

After being lied to so often in life, God draws me to Himself by His truthfulness. I know that I can trust every Word in the Bible as the absolute, bottom-line truth. He has no agenda to fool me, tease me, shame me, or confuse me. Whatever He said is simply what is.

I meditated on this as I quieted myself before Him today. Consider this: many men over many years, living far from one another, separated by distance, time, language, and culture, wrote faithfully what they knew by the Spirit’s inspiration, on scrolls and skins and tablets, and then hid them in caves and clay pots, or buried them in what later would become riverbeds and seas, or covered by fields, or built into the walls of homes and temples—and God oversaw each hiding place and preserved His Word Himself until just the right time of revelation.

Stand in awe.

And then, over many more years, He opened the eyes of men to pull His Word, piece by piece, out of the safe hiding places, and He gave knowledge, understanding, discernment and wisdom to men who would receive His instruction on how to put it all together into a Book. Chapter by chapter, story by story, it came together into wholeness, completeness. This is much more complicated than most of us know; long books have been written about the process of it all coming together.

Be astonished.

Perhaps what most stuns me is that it is so cohesive, so all-about-one-thing, telling one story. When considered all together, there is one central message. This is the work of a Master Author Who is able to weave all the truth ever needed for life both now and in eternity (both past and future) into one Book.

He loves us.

Truth conveys a sense of dependability, firmness, and reliability. Truth is therefore something upon which a person may confidently stake his life…. The Hebrew word for ‘truth’ (‘emet) is spelled with the first, middle, and last letter of the Hebrew alphabet; thus the rabbis concluded that truth upholds the first and the last of God’s creation and everything in between!”*

If I could exhort you to one thing only, it would be this: Read His Word, all of it. Go to it every day. Let it be your companion, more than a spouse or friend. “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life” (John 6:68).

Thank You for Your precious Word that gives life, insight, direction, comfort, warning, peace, instruction, and so much more. Teach us to respect it, live by it, and cherish it, and to confidently stake our life on it. Amen.

*Nelson, Thomas and Hayford, Jack. The NKJV Spirit-Filled Life Bible. Thomas Nelson Publishing. 4 September 2018.