Little by Little
“If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible with you.” Matthew 17:20
Here in South Africa, we have been having massive “load shedding.” This is when the electricity is turned off because of problems with the electric grid. It can be anywhere from 5 to 11½ hours a day. It’s frustrating for everyone, but is particularly difficult for businesses. Many small businesses were just recovering from the pandemic, and now are being hit with this load shedding. I also read an article yesterday that talked about the impact on our water supply because of pumping issues when the electricity is off. Please pray that the problems will be resolved.
I continue to feel like I face a mountain of things to do. Most days I chip away at the mountain, and just do what I can. But some days the mountain seems to loom over me in such a way that it feels impossible. On one such day I read an old devotional from “Our Daily Bread” that encouraged me.
A little boy with a small shovel was trying to clear a path of deep snow in front of his house. A man came by and asked how someone as small as him could expect to complete such a big task. The boy looked with confidence at the man and said, “Little by little, that’s how!”
I love that story. It encourages me to tackle my “mountain” the same way—little by little. Doing what I can, when I can—little by little—is a strategy for victory!
This was an important reminder for me when I hurt my back a few days ago. I was stopped in my tracks by the pain. My first response was to think of it as such a big setback…but then I was reminded of the little by little. Whatever the “little” was for the day, that’s all I had to do. The discouragement I was feeling because of the setback was lifted, and I carried on.
Lessons like this seem “little” in themselves, but I find them so important in persevering. I’m so grateful for how God speaks to me through them.
I keep thinking of the five loaves and two fish and how God took the “little” and fed a multitude. God can take my “little” and work miracles and great things! I trust Him for that.
Lord, we trust You for the “little by little,” as we heal, as we learn, as we mature. Take our “little,” and make it useful unto You. Amen.
I often feel very small and this reminder of what God can do with very little was a blessing to me. His grace is sufficient. Thank you for sharing.
Prayed for your electric grid to support all that is needed in South Africa. Thank You, Father God, for meeting all the needs of these people and in Jesus’ Name, we Praise You for your faithfulness. Amen