Little Ol’ Me
“But I am poor and needy, yet the LORD thinks upon me…” Psalm 40:17a
No matter who we are, or where we are, or what we are, GOD THINKS UPON US!
“Many, O LORD my God, are Your wonderful works which You have done, and Your thoughts toward us cannot be recounted to You in order; if I would declare and speak of them, they are more than can be numbered” (Psalm 40:5).
Wait a minute… the God of all creation, the God of the universe, the Originator of all things, the Giver of Life, the One Who Heals and Saves—THAT God—is thinking about us?
Really? The God “Who forms mountains, and creates the wind, Who declares to man what his thought is, and makes the morning darkness, Who treads the high places of the earth” (Amos 4:13)—THAT God is thinking about us?
No kidding? The God Who is wise in heart and mighty in strength, Who removes and overturns the mountains, Who shakes the earth out of its place, Who commands the sun, seals off the stars, spreads out the heavens, treads on the waves of the sea—THAT God is thinking about us (from Job 9:4-8)?
Could this be true? The God whose years have no number, Who gives songs in the night, Who is mighty in strength of understanding? Who spreads clouds, scatters light, rebukes storms, commands thunder and lightning, provides for all animals, and oversees the beasts? The God Who laid the foundations of the earth and determined its measurements, and fastened its foundation, and laid its cornerstone? Who shut in the sea with doors, and fixed the seashore’s limits, and commands the morning, and causes the dawn to know its place? Who enters the springs of the sea, and has seen the doors of the shadow of death, and Who knows the way to the dwelling of light and dark. The God Who has entered the treasury of snow and hail, and knows the ordinances of heaven? The One Who has put wisdom in the mind, and has given understanding to the heart (taken from Job 36-40)?
What would prompt HIM to think about US?
It’s love. God is love (1 John 4:8).
Father, we cannot fathom the Love that thinks upon us. We bow in astounded, silenced adoration.
Truly blessed me with this. I love to recount the immensity of our God. And…He still sees me!
It’s beyond anything we can imagine! Thank you, Lord!
AWESOME descriptions of our Almighty God, one to keep and read over and over ……as needed! Thank you. May God Bless you all.