“Blessed is a man (woman) who perseveres under trial; for once he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him.” James 1:12
“Up, up, up,” we squealed. “Go daddy, go!” My sister and I laughed as we were reminiscing recently about a dinner we both fondly remember. Mother had made cheese enchiladas, and used very “stretchy” cheese. As we were enjoying dinner, our father had cut a piece of enchiladas on his fork, and kept pulling higher and higher as the cheese continued to stretch and not break. We laughed because normally our dad was very quiet and reserved, but tonight he had a twinkle in his eye, and just kept stretching that cheese. Our six–foot-four dad stood up, and up, up, up it went. When he got up on his chair my sister and I were laughing and clapping and cheering him on to the ceiling! Our mother, of course, was strongly encouraging him to sit down!! That cheese made it almost to the ceiling. We could not believe our eyes.
As we were talking about the stretching, we thought about God’s stretching of His children. My sister has been stretched over the last few years caring for her husband, who passed away a year ago. I have also been going through a bit of stretching over the past year. Most of the women I know are feeling the effect of God’s holy stretching us toward Himself. I pray for them as Paul prayed—not that the stretching trial be removed, but for them to endure to the end result that God intends.
I do not minimize the stretching trial. It is painful, but we all know the value of His stretching and His refining fire. May God continue to stretch us “as needed” so that we may become the women of God that He wants us to be. “…knowing that the testing of your faith produced patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing” (James 1:3-4).
Lord, help us to be thankful and continue to praise You in the midst of our trials. As You continue to stretch us “as needed”, may we become the women of God that You want us to be. Amen.